Your Career Is Not Over Because You Are A Mom
Create Boundaries and Stick to Them
Before I became a Mom, I was at my
Utilize Efficiencies
Efficiencies come in all shapes and sizes. For

It’s Okay That Work is a Priority
Things will ebb and flow right? There are times I have to travel and I hate being away from my babies, but I always tell them that I’m going away for a moment only to make our lives better. It sucks, it hurts and I will never downplay the
Mom Time Vs Work Time
Let’s be honest, being a parent is a 24/7 job, but there are times where we can turn the volume down slightly aka when we are at work. This doesn’t make us bad parents, this makes us efficient parents and the key is to truly trust in your caretakers – whomever they may be – daycare/nanny/family. Be there for the most important moments and you won’t miss a thing.

It Takes a Village and That’s a Damn Good Thing
They say it takes a village, right? It’s because it does. We want our kids to not only be developing communication skills with
Be In It To Win It
What do I mean? The truth is we cannot be in two places at once and if we focus too much on how torn our hearts are, it’s overwhelming. Please please please know that just because you are at work, doesn’t mean you love your kids any less or that they think their nanny is their new Mommy. Give 100% of your attention to work while at work and shift gears to be 100% on Mom time while at home.

I feel like I have to close with this – it’s okay to want to advance in your career. It’s okay to be a stay at home Mama and also it’s okay to work full-time. Your kids will know that you love them if you just make your time filled with love and quality.
How do you juggle the two?
- Author: Persephone Maglaya
- Blog: https://theeverydayvogue.com
- @Everydayvogue / @TheMaglayaTwins
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