Basketball & Motherhood
One of the most rewarding and challenging times of my life was playing college basketball. Like, I wondered how I made it out alive after some practices. "On the line" became my three most feared words because the most common phrase in my life and I hated running.
Check it out...
Recently, we had a beautiful little son who we named Kingston. He's SO rad, patient, smells delicious, and is the best little completion of our crew. On the flip side, we've got 4 other children (8,5,2 &1) and they are FULL of energy... love... ideas... and adventure.
This morning, although typical, made me draw a crazy connection between basketball and motherhood. Every morning seems rushed and I am trying to be more patient, and understanding of everybody's needs. Today, was entirely a comedy and I nearly surrendered my mother crown. After breakfast and brushing teeth, the kids decided to fight, build a race track around the kitchen, play (and get pooped on) by the baby, pull out last second homework, and sneak toys into their backpacks as we're trying to fly out the door. Oh yeah, they didn't have socks or shoes on either...
Patience... are you out there?
I literally stopped and started laughing, how am I going to round up these 5 little bodies and corral them into the car when they KEEP RUNNING AWAY! My thoughts directed back to college basketball, my awesome coaches at Millikin University and our solid defense.
I can't even remember what our defense was called now, coach, I promise I was listening. It was some kind of a helpful man to man D... where we'd slow down the other team as they were cutting through our territory to get to their now spot, while still guarding our player. It actually sounds quite boring when I reread this paragraph.
Let's see, other lessons in hoops that apply to motherhood;
*Don't talk back to the coach (now that I get to be the coach)
*Help your teammates and stick together always, sounds like siblings!
*You will work you ass off today and do it again tomorrow... oh yes I'm prepared.
*You aren't getting paid for this, it's for fun and love of the game - oh yes definitely this one.
*You wanna win a tough game, it. takes. grit. --- relevant to winning the day with a couple of whiny kids?
*Always do a scouting report -- where are we going tonight? What do we need? What happened last time? How can we make this melt down free?
*Celebrate victories, learn from the losses. OH baby on the daily!
See hoops 'n hood are like peanut butter n jelly. Back to my full court press before this ish gets out of control.
Thanks coaches, thanks team. I owe you :D