I will preface this by saying of course there are people on the planet that love and cannot live without these. I'll do some 'splainin as to why I didn't love it to back dat a_____ up. The blank word was 'answer', but if you're a Millennial mom for sure you are singing some Ludacris right now 😉 OKURRRRR.
1. Baby Monitor - We've always had a small house! My friends cannot live without theirs so I do think my opinion would change if we had a larger home with our littles. These below came in highly recommended, but for us, we've never used them.

2. Baby Bathtub - These always seem so bulky and not worth the effort, but on the contrary, a squirming infant is not easy to bathe. We opted for sink baths and would lay a towel down first so they wouldn't slide. If I were to try one today, it'd be the Blooming Bath Lotus. I like the idea of folding it and putting it away.
3. Hard soled shoes - I am a shoe addict, like most women. Gym shoes, heels, wedges, running shoes, boots, they all have a place in my closet. We received some of the cutest shoes for our little ones, but for the most part, I felt bad putting them on their feet. Some of them felt like they weighed as much as the baby and I felt like I'd break their tiny ankles wiggling to get them on.
Tiny Jordans are the cutest things on the planet, but I always opted for something easier that slips or has velcro. We loved these:
4. Bassinet - We always opted for the baby swing instead (see the options above). We'd prop it by our bed or move it during the daytime. We had a bassinet for our first child and never used it.
We've heard rave reviews about the SNOO baby bassinet, it's expensive but if you get to put the baby down and get more sleep, it's worth considering! There's also a renting option which sounds great but do the math first. If you plan on having more kids and love the SNOO, you'd probably want to just buy it. We reviewed the Snoo Smart Sleeper here.
5. Wipe Warmer - 'Literally nobody I've talked to actually used these. In theory, a warm wipe on the tooshie sounds like a fine plan, but it doesn't seem quite necessary. 'A baby will probably cry when you change their diaper weather it's warm or cold,' Jamie mom of 3 from our Instagram said.
6. Half the newborn clothes we were given! - Girls, if you've given lots of NB clothes, trade them in for some in for larger sizes. You won't believe how fast your little bugger grows. It's the miracle of life and the other miracle of money down the drain 🤦🏻♀️
PS: Hand me downs are the SHIT. If you have a friend with a bag of baby clothes, you hug her and take them. Got it?
7. Bottle warmer - Another thing I don't recall anybody saying they used. I sure didn't and we made a lot of bottles between 5 giant babies. Listen though, the Baby Brezza is an out of this world invention that we do think every bottle feeding mother should have. Checkout our review on the Baby Brezza Formula Pro here.
It wasn't around even a few years ago when I had my last baby, but I wonder if it can pour me wine every day at 5 pm now? Essentially it makes (perfect) bottles for you and just the idea of having that for midnight feedings makes me want to raise the damn roof.
8. Baby Diaper Garbage Can - I got this as a gift at first. I couldn't get over the smell when I had to open it and drop a diaper in there. After one poopy diaper is sitting in this thing with the lid closed you will have a strong urge to throwup when you open it again.
The smell seemed to take over my house and I couldn't stand it. We officially ditched it and started operation take the dirty diapers downstairs to the garbage can. I can be super lazy so this to me wouldn't sound enticing, but just wait until you get that first whiff of stale ole poop diaper and you'll know what I mean 💩
9. Baby Towel Robe - Chances are, you are 504% more responsible than me and you'd hang the baby towel in the same place every time. Me, no. We had a cute robe for the littles, but post bath/shower that adorable towel was MIA. We used it like 4 times total but our intentions were GOOD. We opted for a regular human towel and our babies were still dry after and just as cute, I promise.
10. Shopping Cart Cover - If you're a total germaphobe, this is something you'd probably love. I never minded walking into target and throwing my little in a shopping cart. They usually have those germ wipes and in mind, I was the mother of the year if I remembered to wipe them before sticking them in the shopping cart.
If that makes your skin crawl, here's a few for you:
EN Babies 2 in 1 CoverSummer Infant Cushy CartEddie Bauer Cover
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